New Body Therapy
What New body Therapy can do?
It can give people a quality of life again that they deserve.
People have experienced recovery from brain trauma, broken backs, broken necks, anxiety, depression, ruptured discs, bulging discs, unsuccessful operations, from this Modality.
Aches and pains all over the body from migraines, headaches, neck, shoulders, numb arms, tingling fingers, middle back, lower back, chest, abdomen, jaw, ears, eyes, teeth, hips, buttocks, hamstrings, thighs, groin, tail bone, legs, knees, ankles, feet, toes.
- Numb parts of the body return to life.
- Backs and spine straighten.
- Dead, cut and cauterised nerves grow back.
- Recovery after operations is quicker
- People, who are into self-development, move through blocks
- Children grow faster, growth spurts.
- Relaxes children that are stressed, or on the spectrum.
- Relaxes people from stresses.
- New Body Therapy Gives quality to life.
Dianne was given the opportunity to learn New Body Therapy and has incorporated it into
her toolkit to facilitate wellness and to experience the wonders of the body's ability to return to a healthy state
of normality.
This Therapy is a business of Love. This Technique is about Trust. This Modality is about Change.
When You Are Ready For Change
Everything happens in for a reason in the bigger picture of All That Is.
New Body Therapy resonates with Dianne because it is all about frequency and holding sacred space so the client can release the energy blocks from the body. Energy blocks can present in many ways, but often via pain and stress held in the body.
There can be many different factors influencing your body and point of pain that may impact your health and well being e.g. accidents, mental and emotional stress and/or chemical stress.
This Technique gently nudges the body to activate and set a process into place. It allows things to shift on a deeper level for the soul - Spiritual, emotional, physical and/ or mental. It is now the key to our sessions with sound. Music is our medicine and the New Body Therapy activates the body to open up and allow the healing to begin and Dianne will sing and tone to help move out the old energies and patterns held in your being.
It is recommended that the client has 3 visits initially within a 2 week period for a positive outcome. This gives your body a chance to begin to respond. It allows the body time to begin its journey of change.
It is important to remember that you are always in the drivers seat when it comes to your destiny, health and life. With gentle guidance, you can make great changes in your journey and life path if you choose. You Co--Create.
What You Think and Believe Is What You Create
Remember, we all have room to grow as we experience life and connect with the real reason we are here. Music, love and light will always transmute the denser frequencies if you choose to participate. That is pure science. Songdahla share their love through the music, energy and wisdom through the session with love, light and song.
Dianne Butler
~ Songdahla - 2023 ~
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Dianne has incorporated New Body Therapy into her toolkit to facilitate wellness and to experience the wonders of the body’s ability to return to a healthy state of normality.
This therapy is a business of Love.
This Technique is about Trust.
This Modality is about Change.
Are you ready for change?
Everything happens for a reason in the bigger picture of All That Is.
New Body Therapy resonates with Dianne because it is all about frequency and holding a sacred space so the client can release the energy blocks from the body. Energy blocks can present in many ways but often via pain and stress held in the body.
There can be many different factors influencing your body and point of pain that may impact your health and well-being e.g. accidents mental and emotional stress and/ or chemical stress.
This technique gently nudges the body to activate and set a process into place. It allows things to shift on a deeper level for the soul: Spiritual, emotional, physical and/or mental. It is now the key to our sessions with sound.
Music is our medicine and the new body therapy activates the body to open up and allow the healing to begin and Dianne will sing and tone to help move out the old energies and patterns held in your being.
It is recommended that the client has 3 visits initially within a two-week period for a positive outcome. This gives your body a chance to begin to respond. It allows the body time to begin its journey of change.
It is important to remember that you are always in the driver’s seat when it comes to your destiny, health and life. With gentle guidance you can make great changes in your journey and life path if you choose.
You co- create.
What You Think and Believe Is What You Create
Remember we all have room to grow as we experience life and connect with the real reason we are here. Music, love and light will always transmute the denser frequencies if you choose to participate. That is pure science.
Songdahla share their love through the music, energy and wisdom through the session with love, light and song.
DIANNE BUTLER- Songdahla - 2023
What is the true essence of a HEALING?
Do you know we are in an amazing COSMIC MOMENT IN TIME …NOW
There are so many modalities that may present for your growth and to assist your inner and outer healing.
Throughout a HEALING, strategies, guidance and support are offered to help you make the choices that resonate for you so you can face any challenges and shifts with love, ease, and grace. Sessions provide an opportunity for you to realise the gift that has been offered for your growth so you can be in a place of unconditional love.
Our life doesn’t need to be difficult – our choices determine the outcome and we can always choose a different path! Or simply BE accepting of the moment right now with no attachment and/or preference, just living in Joy right now!
Choose to be ENLIGHTENED, for you are.
With intuitive and loving guidance, and techniques to help you contact your own inner power and True Self you can access and release blockages and fears and begin to unite all aspects of yourself and you find where you have “ROOM TO HEAL” and allow the sounds and frequencies to gather the contractions and density and sing them out of your auric field to
The more you allow your own personal transformation to begin and simply breathe as you access your own inner world and allow KNOWINGNESS to BE.
Just BE. Be ok with it all NOW!
If not, then co-create what it is that you want NOW!
See it, Feel it, Know it! I am healed.
​When you acknowledge this, watch yourself grow even more and feel your beauty expand with Creation/Gods/ Prime Source’s Unconditional Love and the Light.
This is the true essence of a HEALING or WELLNESS
to recognise, “I AM THAT”. To see the oneness, the connection, no connection, no separation through balanced energies. To grow and enjoy your expectations as you focus on the NOW… Being fully present. -
Songdahla 2020 Dianne Butler /Bruce Bubb